
Dual licensed model


The AGPL is the original open source license updated for the web. You can distribute modified versions if you keep track of the changes and the date you made them. As per usual with GNU licenses, it is a viral licence and you must license derivatives under AGPL. Additionally, the source code must be distributed along with web publication. You can read the full text of the licence here.

Commercial Use

Describes the ability to use the software for commercial purposes.


Describes the ability to modify the software and create derivatives.


Describes the ability to distribute original or modified (derivative) works.

Place Warranty

Describes the ability to place warranty on the software licensed.

Can not

Describes the ability for you to grant/extend a license to the software.

Hold Liable

Describes the warranty and if the software/license owner can be charged for damages.

Include Copyright

Describes whether the original copyright must be retained.

Commercial License

If use of our drivers under the AGPL does not satisfy your organization, Open Bank Project commercial licenses are available. Feel free to contact us for more details.

Commercial Use

Describes the ability to use the software for commercial purposes.


Describes the ability to modify the software and create derivatives.

Can not
Use Trademark

Describes the allowance of using contributors’ names, trademarks or logos.

Licence Fee

Describes the amount of money paid to TESOBE for the right of using the software

Include Copyright

Describes whether the original copyright must be retained.

Include Notice

If the library has a “NOTICE” file with attribution notes, you must include that NOTICE when you distribute. You may append to this NOTICE file.

State Changes

Stating significant changes made to software.